Afrostein Rising: Modern Prometheus Unbound

Afrofuturism unbound, the metaphor of the Frankenstein Monster is employed in the exploration of black modalities of collective evolution and transcendence.

To the Children of Privilege: An earnest missive in lieu of intellectual, emotional or physical violence

There comes a time when we each must make a decision. Whether or not we truly mean the things we … More

A Father’s Love: Dealing with the pain of separation

From my personal perspective, fatherhood is intense. It is all-consuming, pervasive, wrenching and total. It is a visceral, genetic connection that has no equal in life. Its expression can vary, dependent upon circumstance, but it is fundamental and consumptive of the entirety of his being.

The Resurrection of Assata: The Spectre of Justice, Gun control and Domestic Terrorism

Assata Shakur has achieved the dubious honor of being the first woman ever placed on the FBI Most Wanted list. The … More